Monday, May 25, 2009


Its been WAY over a month since the last entry in here. Not much is going on in my life.. I have gotten all my school supplies almost for Groom school. I am pretty excited. i will go up to Full time at work and i will be making a lot more and possibly have to lose my Health insurance and pay for my own but that wont be to bad. However with making more money ill be able to get a car and an apartment with nicole so that is a HUGE plus that i am very excited for. This summer has begun and Alex is moving in for it YAY. he moves in Fully this weekend and i am super excited. Next month is our One year anniversary and that means the world to me. i still have to figure out a good gift to get him but i will find something amazing that he will like. My dog is getting better at being potty trained so that is good i am excited that she is learning. She gets her First hair cut next weekend with will be pretty funny. Friends are great as always, And family is doing good, my dad got an apartment i am happy he is back on his feet..
Today will be a long day, hopefully a good one.. and then Alex will be here to cuddle me tonight to watch Jon and Kate + 8 :D

ill write soon.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lately things have been Rocky again with me and Alex.. his lack of time for me or anything outside of Brad and Blake is really starting to annoy me. I am just going to let him do whatever he wants until i cant take anymore of the crap and i end up leaving.. If i wanted to be ignored i would have staying with Jae My Korean boyfriend before Alex. I hardly see him as it is and now that him and blake are like Lovers its hard to even talk to him.. i am making attempts to be civil with blake but there are things about him that i just dont like and know if i can deal with all the time. For one he has what i wish i did and i hate ther because i should be first he should be second but its not that way at all. I have been PMSing like no ones business and i feel depressed so that doenst help..Not to mention the Awful cramps i have. Friday we will leave for Cali and that should be nice.. Not only am i sexually frustrated that will have to wait for at least 2 more weeks which is sucky..

i just wish Alex knew how it feels to be second in my book.. then maybe he would stop putting blake first.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well i escaped a prank for April fools day, which is nice because i hate it. I have been ok the past week a bit naggy and thats is making my boo sad and i hate that i am that way. i am working on myself but its a slow Process. i did witness a big fat man Steal a large bag of dog food yesterday at work.. but by teh time i got to the cashier to see if he did ring out he was gone and i didnt get the plate number.. Hopefully i will catch him next time , stupid loser. the Cali trip is next week and i am excited but for a while after i move i dont like to leave the house i just like to nest like as if when i come home from where i am going it will be gone.. It should be fun ill be with Alex and he can see my old world which will be fun. We should have a very good time.

Monday, March 30, 2009


ok so today i was in a Mildly good mood until a woman with a Boxer comes in and asks for a Nail trim and says that the last person to do it Filed them down too( which is Bullshit no one does that).. she then says that she doesnt have enough to get a bath so just the nails. Like always you Dont leave the dog in there for a nail trim you stay there and wait while we do it.. He was huge so i cut them on the floor.. I also to be nice Took the time to File the dogs nails too.. he was acting up and she said we will forget about the back ones he is being bad.. so i wrote the ticket GAVE her a 3$ off Coupon, said have a good day and got NO response. Hayley comes in and sounds infuriated and tells me that she is complaining that she Shouldnt have to pay at all cuz she " Helped me do my Job" , " she had to hold the dog" Ummmm No this lying little Bitch didnt do anything to that extent. It was Ridiculous that even Evan wanted nothing to do with her and told her " lady look just forget it and Leave. So she did.. I refuse to do her dog anymore i will remember him and her and Not help them next time.. Fuck that noise.

Annoyed annoyed annoyed..

This weekend was nice i saw Alex he was sweet.. he had a tendency to not listen to me which annoys me so much. but its ok he will learn..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2009.3.24- Monday

Today was nice. i felt pretty good all day that is a big change.
I also worked and at work i did one dog that's owner's last name was the same as mine so that was cool. Ludo is getting A lot more Friendly with me and that is very nice.. i love that little guy. Today we also got a Betta fish and We named him Master Betta :D . After work we got ice cream like we do every tuesday and then ate dinner and went to the Jacuzzi it was so nice. I am very excited to see Alex this weekend. Also My room in Complete.. the boys came by and helped me get the Canopy up above the room and its like home now.. anyway ill write more later. :D

Monday, March 23, 2009


lots has been happening, Alex had Spring break and i saw him lots and he was sweet and bought me Flowers for our Nine Month anniversary. Then on the weekend we moved, It took two days to get everything and my stupid Canopy will not hang int the ceiling because it is Concrete which is nice but now we have to drill them in to get it to hang which i will do because its hard to sleep without the Canopy. Friends came out and helped us move and i want to thank them all, Isaac, Josiah, Lucy, Justin, Nicole, Tyler. You are all amazing and i am so lucky to have you fools around. Cable was hooked up today and now everything is getting put together.. My mom is still wasting her time with Bob which is not a surprise.. but i am getting sick of it. oh well.. Also today i added a new member to the family, A baby hairless Rat named Ludo.

Monday, March 16, 2009

2009.3.16- Monday

Recently things have been ok.. i am still randomly sick and i dont know what is the cause of it but its very annoying. Me and Alex are on better terms but he still tends to mess up like this past weekend. I am pushing toward Groom school more and more which is nice, I could use the money to go to MCC that i make Grooming and still have a Great job while doing it. I Am seriously tired of people Pretending they know ANYTHING about Korean music and culture.. People talking like they will ever meet or have ANY chance with any member or the band/ Group. In some cases i am positive that they would NEVER sleep with you even if they were drunk.. Sad , Mean but completely true. And the whole watching every Video they ever post is ridiculous. i mean yes i LOVE korean music but i also have a job and a life outside of the internet and such. People that dont even attempt to learn the language piss me off the most.. i have been teaching myself korean for almost 2 years now and have been to the country so i kind of already have the upper hand on most of you. So give it a rest and stop trying to show me up its pathetic and you need to get your own life and hobbies and stop copying mine. Again this is not to everyone and ill give you a hint the person isnt on my Myspace Friends list but she does live near me. Anyway.. hope you all have a good week. I move this saturday :D